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This Denver advocacy group says it’s ‘ready to put the education wars of the past in the past’

Denver Families for Public Schools’ recently revealed policy priorities, based on feedback gathered from the door-knocking and survey-taking, calls for the organization to push DPS on three issues: mental health, safety, and academics.

On a hot summer day, Darlenne Guerra Arevalo knocked on doors in southwest Denver. She had an armful of fliers, a small digital tablet with addresses, and a spiel.

“We’re just checking in with voters to see what you want to see for the future of public schools here in Denver, if you have two minutes,” she told one of the few people who answered the door.

The woman said she didn’t. So Guerra Arevalo sped up her pitch, handing the woman a QR code for a survey about the school board and the quality of education in Denver.

“What we do is we go and make a ruckus at the school board meetings — more teacher pay, more resources,” Guerra Arevalo quickly explained.

The ruckus-makers are Denver Families for Public Schools, a nonprofit organization launched in early 2021 with a board of directors made up of local charter school leaders.

Read the full story on Chalkbeat here

October 16, 2024 at 6:00:00 PM

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